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Image Mirroring

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Nate Olsen
Reputable Member Admin
Joined: 6 years ago
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Image Mirroring What Is It?  Does it Help?  And Why?


 As most of you already know original photos outperform stock photos.  This is because Google can recognize that the photo is being used on many other websites and knows it isn't original to your business.  When you have an original photo show up in an image search or regular search Google will attribute that photo to your business thus increasing your SEO because of many factors.  While I don't use this technique for any of my clients it is something I have played with on many of my own properties for educational and testing purposes.  In my opinion, the more you understand the algorithm the better you get at SEO whether it be White Hat or Black Hat.  You have to understand how something works in order to master it!

Image mirroring is basically flipping an image so it becomes original vs the same photo and basically tricks Google into believing the image is original.  You can watch a video explainer below:
