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All right it might feel stupid but I really need to understand how create backlinks?

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James Campbell
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All right it might feel stupid but I really need to understand how create backlinks. How people find thousands of backlinks? Whenever I tried to ask, people throw messages that they will provide me 1k backlinks for such price. So I need to have experts advice. I have a mechanic website. How can i find backlinks?

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Nate Olsen
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1k backlinks aren't good unless they've been built over years or they are cashing out an absolute fortune.
The power of a backlink depends on many factors, but most importantly it's the amount/quality of links pointing to that backlink. This is why PBN links are generally home page links.
If you got a backlink on a site like Forbes, and it was a new page, it's going to be pretty worthless because it has no links going to it.
My method is typing in google "niche + write for us" and asking them for a guest post. Many sites will try to charge you, it depends on how bad you want a link from them. I try to find a site where they have a relevant post with links going to it that they can add my link too. I believe someone coined this as "niche edits" but nonetheless, that's my method.
Find site via google - email asking for guest post or link on the existing article - wait for their response - if the price is right then go for it.

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Nate said true they have been building backlinks for many years.  I have a little caveat here it might be a possibility they create quality content that gets links automatically without any activity.  
NO doubt people link to awesome content to support the point that they are making in their posts. 

This post was modified 2 years ago by Jimmy Baker
