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In A Few Short Months This Is How Far We Have Come

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A little back story I have had this domain since about 2016 and had the intention to turn it into an online SEO shop specializing in SEO merchandise.  As I watched the Warrior Forum decline after Allen sold it to Freelancer not to mention forums being hit by Facebook groups as lots of people like to be on FB all day.  I knew at that time it was going to become an SEO forum, Covid, starting multiple businesses, huge online marketplaces, and other projects distracted me from fully pursuing this project.  Now is the time to take this forum to the top, if you look at my responses, the content I am pushing out, the free information others charge for and so on.  No ads!  so for the last several months I have been donating my time to provide you all with free information with no obligation, have you seen me recommend a course I sell?  Offering services?  Or selling anything for that matter?  No, I have been very successful and want to help others achieve their full potential without belittling people for being newbies or attacking members over stupid questions.  


As you can see basically a month ago we were no where to be found!  Nothing not even dust in the wind!  While we continue to push, publish, optimize, fix functions, add new features, develop a point system on top of all of those accomplishments we are also starting to show up for some relevant keywords against some decent competitors.  But I will not back down!!  We will keep pushing, fighting, publishing, and releasing more and more!  If you have been visiting the forum frequently you will have noticed new stuff pops up daily!  When you come back in a week you probably won't recognize the SEO forum, because it will have so much new stuff in just 7 days!  

While These Aren't Over The Top Results It Was Done In Less Than A Month

With your help, support, and loyalty we can become #1.  There is no doubt in my mind that we will be a well known SEO forum that provides SEO information that others are charging outrageous membership fees to access.  I already have taken some heat from some SEO agencies, course providers, and others for some of the content I have already released.  Because some fear it will stop working, others fear people will stop paying for their courses, and who knows why so many people are upset about free information, isn't that what the internet was made for?  Any how I am not asking for donations, money, membership fees, or even your first born.  Just drop some comments, post some posts, and become an active member of the SEO Isn't Dead forum in exchange you will be rewarded with some really cool stuff.


Many More Cool Ideas To Come To Life Soon

So many ideas are being turned into a reality behind the scenes, I have merchandise being designed and other awesome features and things that will help and benefit each and everyone of your lives if you choose to participate.  I wont go into too much detail on everything as I don't want to reveal all my plans, you will have to keep visiting to see what's coming next!


These Are Small Accomplishments That Make A Huge Impact

I tirelessly manage, comment back, post, and work on this site for free and investing my own money and time into this project and to see these small accomplishments has kept me motivated and has made a huge impact on the next phases and things I will be adding and offering to each and every member!  

If you haven't posted, commented, or registered yet please go do so!  I will be releasing some of the best kept industry secrets and new tips, tricks, and strategies that people charge a lot of money to reveal.  Stay tuned this is just the beginning I promise!



