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SEP 2022 core update google

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Hi, I want to know about new google core update. As a lot of websites start de-ranking. Is there any solution to prevent our website to de-rank. And what we can do for those websites that already de-ranked because of this?



This topic was modified 2 years ago 2 times by solutionst

Nate Olsen
Reputable Member Admin
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 277

Most of the core update looks like it's based on your content.  Focus on providing useful content to the user and back it with links to reputable sources so you can prove it's legit much like Wikipedia does.

The most important thing with updates is they generally are looking for lazy marketers, AI, Link building schemes etc... So if you focus on quality vs quantity you will rarely if ever have to fear Google updates.
