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Nate Olsen
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Frase SEO Tool For On Page SEO


To begin we will click on New Document as seen below:

After you have selected the new document you will see the options of create new content or Optimize existing content:

When creating new content you will put in your query and it will scrape and import the top 10 competitors and give you recommendations of what you should include on your site or page about this topic.  Such as headers, how many images, and so forth.  

You have the ability to edit how many you want to be scraped etc.. which makes the Frase SEO tool even more powerful.  With this tool you can easily do a competition analysis of on page, how many words, images, and links they are using for their own on-page strategy that is working to a degree because they are ranking.  It's really nice as you have full control over what things you want to be scraped such as questions you can use and you can even zero in on a specific competitor.

Frase also has the function to add this to a document so you will get a brief of what to write about etc.. a checklist of basically what to look for and use when writing your article this will make content writing easier, faster, and you can stick to the topics that Google is looking for.   Lots of people use and have been happy with the results.  I personally like to use several tools so I can import fresh and new stuff.  What I mean by that is if everyone was using Frase then the top 10 results would all be very similar and on the same topic.  I like being the Black Sheep, the guy who pushes the envelope and my page/post to stand out!  In order to do this, I either have to be very unique on something Frase or these other SEO's have missed.  I am not going to find what they missed by using the same exact tool they use.  

So even though it's a great tool I personally like using multiple, still do manual research, and then combine all these tactics so that I create such a unique post/page/article that the end-user gets sick of seeing the same similar pages that they tend to spend more time on my page/post.  You can also zero in on a specific topic going into further detail than your competitors as we only have a glimpse of what the person performing the search is looking for.  By really being specific the chances are you will answer their question and ultimately you delivered the best possible content to them and in return, your odds of ranking goes up.  This is because you will start showing up for these specific queries over time.

How Much Does Frase SEO Tool cost?

It starts at $44.99 per month or (39.99 per month if you pay annually) and goes up from there as you can see below:



My conclusion is it's a very good tool and if used correctly it can help you outrank the competition.  While I don't think it's going to make a person a better writer but it most certainly gives you all the information you would need to come up with topics, headers, and do a side-by-side comparison of your own content vs your competitors.  For a more experienced SEO this tool is still nice as you can add it to a document and use it as a cross-reference while implementing your own strategy.  For someone new to on-page SEO, this tool will really help you excel in understanding and learning the basic fundamentals of on-page SEO.  Overall I don't have anything bad to say about SEO tool.  The real con would be its price point, if you are like me and use multiple tools and strategies then you may not use it enough to justify the overhead.  I personally, justify it because even if it helps one SEO client with a few posts/pages then it's worth the price point.


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