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Expired/Expiring domain 301 redirects

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Nate Olsen
Reputable Member Admin
Joined: 6 years ago
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Expired Domain Redirects For SEO

This is the basics to buying expired or expiring domains and redirecting them to obtain their links and authority to your website.  While I personally wouldn't do this more than 1-2 times max just because even with it being Black hat I do try to keep even my personal black hat websites at least grey.  I want my stuff to last and not looking for a few months of pay so I am not the average churn n burn black hatter and I would never do this for a client unless they specifically reached out to me about black hat.

First things first, you need to find a domain that has some good authority or links that you would like some of the things I look for may not be what others are looking for. Things I look for in an expired/expiring domain:

  1. I only buy expiring domains because that means their links haven't been removed/de-indexed.
  2. Industry relevant, I want my links to come from authority figures in my websites industry.
  3. DR, DA, none of that really matters to me, but the quality of the links pointing to that domain is!
  4. Traffic is another really good metric because if it gets traffic then it ranks on Google and is probably still indexed.
  5. Anchor text profile if they have a good profile and matches terms I am trying to rank for the better!

How To Find Expiring domains?

A lot of people use which is a decent resource especially for the basics, there are other programs and tools I will recommend later!  Then once you find them check them on Ahrefs, Moz, SEMrush or whatever you may use to check the metrics that matter to you and your business.

How to perform the expiring domain 301 redirect?

I like to do a wildcard redirect from the host side this will point all of the domain permalinks to your forwarded domain so if they had /links-here/  then you need to have a page built on your webpage at /links-here/ and it will redirect here.  What I have learned is tools only pick up so much and there may be traffic coming from offline, private groups, etc.. that these tools don't pick up so you should have something installed to monitor 404 errors on your website so you can make sure you create that permalink.  Search console can usually reveal these 404's over time as well but by then the links or whatever resource might get removed due to it not existing.

Use The Way Back Machine To View What Was On The Site Previously

This will give you an idea of the quality of the site as well as staying on topic with the redirect.  Obviously this is optional and you could just redirect it, but the White Hat in me wants this to be at minimum a grey hat tactic because I like my strategies to last as I am not a churn n burn marketer.  I hope this explains how people obtain links through expiring domains and watch for future more in depth strategies using this black hat tactic.



